Video Marketing

Video marketing is mainly used for building customer, for products, for their services, website of the company and promoting the brand. It is a new way of internet marketing which focuses on attract and engage the customer to their product and services. It is basically 30 sec to 60 sec short videos which have all information about product and services and there is a call to action in which an individual is willing to know about the product and service.

The video is made about a specific topic by using images and content, these videos can be shared on social networking sites like:

  • Facebook
  • Tumbler
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • Daily motion
  • Twitch
  • Live leak

What are the benefits of video marketing?

Let’s discuss the benefits of video marketing

  • The video is easily connected with the audience, a marketer or seller can easily pass information through video marketing. Design a video in an attractive manner, building a trust, and powerful message these can help a visitor convert into a lead. Now a day no one has time to read thin content, everyone wants small content with attractive manner.
  • No one wants to read about products detail, they love to watch a video related to the product.
  • According to SEO point of view, video marketing is helping to build backlinks, boosting shares, comments, likes and get traffic to sites.
  • After watching a video 60%-65% wants to purchase the products.
  • 80% campiness focus on video marketing to boost their brand.