For many businesses today, a great deal of the offline advertising for their online presence is usually done just as a supplementary function as opposed to being the main function. More often than not these offline marketing efforts are done as an addition to the tools that are already being performed such as newspaper, outdoor, print, or TV advertisement that are usually performed intentionally. However, if you are genuinely serious about generating traffic for your local business then you may need to consider making use of more than one web address. Here, you can make use of print advertising that is capable of presenting an internet value plan as a component of the main advertising campaign. By doing this, any consumer that is genuinely fascinated by you products as advertised on print media then they can directly refer to the advertisement by accessing the website’s URL that has been offered on the print media. This can also double up as an evaluation tool to measure the effectiveness of the advertisement. If the chief purpose is to get a hold of the email addresses then ensure that you make use of the URL to keep track of the campaign. By advertising the web address offline, you have the advantage of offering webpage addresses that are specifically related to the promotion that is being conducted offline. This also applies to the sub-domains or even providing domains that are completely different for any given marketing campaign. For instance, a convenience store would make use of :
It is worth noting that offline advertising on its own has a very broad scope. Therefore you, as the e-retailer, need to include the web address of your online presence on your other campaigns
not only on radio, press ads, and TV but also on stationery, brochures, and the packaging and labelling of variety of products.
The importance of doing this is that it will ensure that you generate traffic to your online presence and also ensure that your offline marketing is also advertised.